朝三暮四 (ちょうさんぼし)

Today's Yojijukugo is 朝三暮四 (ちょうさんぼし). Meaning:目先の違いにこだわり、事柄の本質を理解しないこと。同じ結果になるのに気がつかないこと。言葉巧みに人をだますこと。また、変わりやすく一定しないことにも用いられる。Literal translation and used meaning: Being preoccupied with immediate (superficial) differences without realizing that there are no differences in substance Composition:This is a simple combination of "morning" (朝), "three" (三), "evening" (暮) and "four" (四). While the meaning of those on their own doesn't explain the overall meaning of this... Continue Reading →


Today's Yojijukugo is 用和為貴 (ようわいき). Meaning:人と人とが仲良くすることが最も大切であるということ。Translation: It is most important that people make friends. Composition:面目 (めんもく) : composed of the "eyes" (目) and 面 that means the "face", "features", or even "mask" as well. The two combined together mean "face", "reputation" or "honor" in its imagery meaning and also mean "appearance" or "look" in its... Continue Reading →


Today's Yojijukugo is 一朝一夕 (いっちょういっせき). It sounds similar to the well-known 一石二鳥(いっせきにちょう)which means "killing two birds with one stone" but is in reality very different in meaning and usage. Meaning: きわめてわずかな期間、非常に短い時間のたとえ。Literal translation: an example of an extremely small span of time.Meaning itself: in a day; in a brief space of time. Composition:一朝 (いっちょう) : simply... Continue Reading →


Today's Yojijukugo is 朝朝暮暮 (ちょうちょうぼぼ). Meaning:毎朝毎晩。English translation: Every morning and every night. Day and Night. Composition:朝朝 (ちょうちょう) : simply composed of the kanji 朝 which stands for "morning". Repeating it gives emphasis to its meaning, thus implying repetition of mornings暮暮 (ちょうちょう) : also simply composed of the kanji 暮 which stands for "evening" (similar to 夕)... Continue Reading →

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